Shiseido Elixir Advanced Anti Aging Lotion 170ml
$39.27 $53
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(388 Customar Review)
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Shiseido s Elixir Advanced Lotions are designed to build a moisturized and resilient skin with its long-lasting moisturizing effect. A premium moisturizing lotion from Shiseido Elixir developed to help create Tsuyadama —the inner glow revealed on cheeks only when skin is firm and transparent.
This Japanese anti-aging lotion has a gentle floral aroma that provides a grace relaxation when applied on the skin.
This toner comes in three different textures ranging between I and III. Choose the most adequate according to your skin needs:
The I has a very light feeling that instantly penetrates into your skin.Instructions
After cleansing your face, take a coin-sized amount of lotion into a facial cotton.
Gently and evenly apply to your whole face. For better results, apply to your cheeks and forehead by softly pressing the cotton for a while.
Net contents: 170mlRating